The main objective of the policies of support for industry and enterprise is to provide a competitive environment that promotes the growth of business activity, encourages social cohesion and strengthens the welfare state. In this regard, the Catalan Government, together with other economic and social agents, has promoted the National Pact for Industry to plan Catalonia’s long-term industrial development. ACCIÓ is one of the main bodies responsible for implementing this strategy.
This agreement was conceived in 2017 in order to increase the weight of industry in Catalonia’s economic structure and it seeks to promote the transformation of the country’s industrial model to make it sustainable, promote innovation and internationalization and create quality employment. The Pact reaffirms the commitment by the Government and by the economic and social agents to reaffirm industry as a key sector for other sectors and their ability to adapt to the needs and the new realities of the business environment.
The Pact is embodied in 116 actions and has a total budget until 2020 of 1,844 million euros (468 million of which is allocated to the activity of 2017), although total mobilization is expected to exceed 3,000 million euros.
The strategy and the actions of the National Pact for Industry have been prepared in six working groups:
- Industrial competitiveness and employment: to strengthen the capacity of the Catalan business fabric through the combination of internationalization and innovation, as well as to promote entrepreneurship.
- Business dimension and funding: to increase the size of SMEs so that they can compete effectively in the global market and act as a driving force of the economy. To offer the productive sector efficient instruments of capitalization and funding to facilitate its growth.
- Industry 4.0 and digitization: to disseminate among companies the importance of Industry 4.0, empowering human capital to respond to the demand for new profiles, provide advanced services and promote the necessary infrastructures for the deployment of Industry 4.0.
- Training: to improve the training of employees to provide a quality, flexible response to the new needs of companies and of society, as well as technological change and changes to the means of production.
- Infrastructure and energy: to provide better infrastructural facilities in Catalonia, allowing increased industrial productivity, structuring the territory and fostering the attraction of investments, reducing the energy costs incurred by Catalan industry and improving energy efficiency and saving.
- Sustainability and green and circular economy: to engage in a green anb circular economy, which saves resources, valorizes waste and boosts innovation and industrial competitiveness.