Would you like to do business in Colombia?
Do you want your company to connect with Colombia? Do you want to win new clients and contacts? The Catalonia Trade & Investment Offices in Bogota can enhance your company’s ties with Colombia and Ecuador.
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Do you want your company to connect with Colombia? Do you want to win new clients and contacts? The Catalonia Trade & Investment Offices in Bogota can enhance your company’s ties with Colombia and Ecuador.
The Catalonia Trade & Investment Office in Bogota is directed by Xavier Roca. Roca has a long professional career in the field of international business and in sectors like ICT, health or beauty. Firstly, he gained experience for a few years as a consultant at the Office in Bogota. After that, he led the export department of a Catalan SME. Two more consultants complete the Office in Bogota, located in the main business area of the Colombian capital.
International Office of Catalonia in Bogota is relatively new. It opened in 2012 to enable Catalan companies to take greater advantage of the potential of a market that has seen constant growth since the year 2000. In the short time it has been operating, the office has already worked on over a hundred projects, notably in the fields of chemicals and energy, the experience industry and, particularly, in industrial systems.
The Catalonia Trade & Investment Office in Bogota’s most frequently performed projects include a search for marketing channels, soft landing services, monitoring and organizing missions, and market research.
Cra. 11ª n° 94ª-56 oficina 501
Centro Ejecutivo 95
110221 Bogota D.C.
The Catalonia Trade & Investment Offices has 40 offices worldwide that will help you to start trading and producing on foreign markets.