Bring the Internet of things to your company
The ProACCIÓ 4.0 program includes different services, funding, programs and activities that ACCIÓ provides so that you can take the leap into industry 4.0. It can be used to access the Industry 4.0 Coupons program, the DIH4CAT Coupons for testing advanced digital technologies, advisory services or lines of funding. You can also check out the coming activities, conferences and missions specifically aimed at Internet of things companies.
Industry 4.0 is now a reality that is radically changing business worldwide. Transformation of the SME involves adopting technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, the internet of things, machine learning, augmented reality, blockchain encryption, collaborative robots, or any other business application of new technologies.
Digital technologies are essential tools to drive the much-needed green and sustainable transformation. Do you want to know how we can help you? Discover the ProACCIÓ Green Program.
Do you want to be kept up to date? Do you want us to inform you whenever these different services start? Do you want to know how your company can take the leap into the Internet of things? Tell us about your industry 4.0 case so that we can all start laying your path towards the industry of the future!
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