Business innovation to fight climate change
The ProACCIÓ Green programme includes various services, grants and activities that ACCIÓ puts at your disposal to make sustainability projects one of the strategic axes of your company through responsible innovation and using technology as a lever for green transformation.
Being sustainable is the path for any company that wishes to be influential, generate a positive impact on its environment and meet the demands of its partners and customers. The Sustainable Development Goals, the European Green Deal and global awareness are all pushing in the same direction: to tackle social and environmental challenges with new solutions, commitment, and the development of technological innovations.
Climate neutrality represents the biggest business opportunity of the next decade. The European Green Deal, as well as new technologies, will be deployed to face the climate change, drive new economic activities and create new jobs through new sustainability projects.
Would you like to play a part in this global change? Tell us about your case and we will notify you as the various grants and services become available. ACCIÓ will help you make your sustainability projects one of the engines of growth so that your company can bolster its impact and fight climate change.
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